SACNAS attendees: Saifuddin Mohammed, Xingli Yu, Victoria Helm, and Nicole McIntyre
Three participants of the Transfer-to-Excellence REU program were selected to present their research at the 2019 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference. The conference, with a record breaking 5,100+ attendees, happened in Honolulu, Hawai’i over October 31 – November 2.

Xingli Yu presents her poster, titled “Identification of Carbon Sources that Induce Protective Expression in Probiotics“
The TTE REU participants each presented a poster detailing the research project they completed during the Summer of 2019. Saifuddin Mohammed won the best engineering poster award for his work: “On Surface Synthesis and Dry-transfer of Graphene Nanoribbons for High Performance Field-Effect Transistors”. Safi conducted research under Professor Jeff Bokor and was mentored by Zafer Mutlu.