Welcome Summer Researchers!
This summer, the Center for E3S is hosting over 30 students and faculty from across the country to conduct research…
E3S Researchers Discover Record Speed of Magnet Switching
Researchers of the National Science Foundation center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S) at the University of California Berkeley have…
2017 Summer Alumni Presenting Research at Conferences and Symposia Nationwide
It’s been a very busy October for the alumni of our summer programs! In less than two weeks, 14 summer…
Cal Day 2017
April 22: Cal Day 2017 Cal Day, an elaborate event of a larger number of fun and educational events that…
Mentoring (Part 2)
Mentoring in the University Context Mentoring relationships have been proven to be important in the academic setting. More precisely, Lyons…
Mentoring (Part 1)
Not too long ago, I was a graduate student myself. Enduring all the shocks and awes associated with trying to…
Welcome to the Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science! Welcome to our new blog!
Imagine a world in which planes can travel at speeds 10,000-times faster than today; a trip from San Francisco to…