Facilitated by Lea Marlor, E3S Program Manager, eight UC Berkeley students and one Cal alumnus supported the activities that the Center for E3S contributed at CalDay 2014. CalDay, typically attended by thousands, is an annual all-campus event for prospective students and their families. It is also the largest community outreach event of UC Berkeley. On the morning of April 12, nearly 150 people visited Sutardja Dai Hall to participate in the E3S activities.
Recognizing the diversity of the audience, the Center offered three hands-on demos on enabling technologies related to the Center, as well as a display of posters describing the Center’s research. The demos on lithography, two-dimensional electronic materials, and piezoelectric materials were particularly well received by the visitors, many of whom were grade and high school students and their parents. Materials for one demo were generously provided by Nisenet NanoDays Kit.
The Center thanks graduate student, Wilson Ko; undergraduates, Joseph Finley, Jodi Loo, Morgan Monroe, Pierce Oeflein, Lawrence Pan, Kevin Pease, and James Lo; and Cal alumnus, Peter Huang, for supporting the E3S CalDay activities.