E3S proudly welcomed twenty new undergraduate researchers for the 2019 summer.
The E3S REU hosted five students from four-year universities across the country in the labs of E3S faculty at UC Berkeley. Learn more about the E3S REU program here.
The Transfer-to-Excellence REU hosted fifteen California community college students in the labs of UC Berkeley faculty. These students conducted research projects in various disciplines, including electrical engineering, physics, mechanical engineering, and chemistry. Learn more about their research projects here.

Cesar Martinez in Professor Evan Variano’s lab.
Furthermore, the Transfer-to-Excellence program and participants were featured in an article and various social media posts by the UC Berkeley College of Engineering. In the article, Cesar Martinez, an intern in Professor Variano’s lab, shares the following: “After high school, I felt like I wasn’t prepared to leave my house and go out on my own. So, I decided to go to community college, and I feel like it prepared me much more to transfer to a four-year university than my high school did. I think what really excited me about this program was getting the college and research experience. We live in dorms on campus and get to work in UC Berkeley laboratories. This place already feels like home.”

Ted Llera with Professor Jennifer Doudna
Additionally, Ted Daniel Llera writes “I would never imagine in my entire life that I would be in a renowned research lab. My 7 year old self would be at awe with this experience. This has given me determination, persistence, and understanding of how research can affect people’s lives. I am grateful for what I am in now. #2019TTEREU”.
Many of the E3S REU interns have applied and were admitted to graduate programs for the 2020-2021 academic year. Participants of the Transfer-to-Excellence program have applied for transfer to four-year universities and plan to complete a Bachelor’s degree in a science or engineering field.