Carol Lynn Alpert serves as co-PI of the Center for Integrated Quantum Materials and is director of the Strategic Projects Group at the Museum of Science, which provides communication training and develops innovative public engagement activities in collaboration with science and engineering researchers, their students and post-docs. She graduated magna cum laude in History & Science from Harvard University and first pursued a career in science and history documentary film production (NOVA, American Experience, Frontline, Scientific American Frontiers, Nobel Legacy, etc.) before joining the Museum of Science to develop a hybrid science-journalism/museum-exhibit-space that earned a DOE/NIST “50 Best Practices in Communicating Science & Technology” commendation and an American Alliance of Museums Gold MUSE award for “Highest Standards of Excellence in the Use of Media & Technology for Interpretation & Education in Science.” Alpert co-founded the NSF Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network and teaches a graduate Research Communication Laboratory seminar at MIT. She is currently organizing an international workshop on quantum education and outreach. Publications: